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1350 | Underwater Mine and Components, Inert
1305 | Ammunition, through 30mm
1310 | Ammunition, over 30mm up to 75mm
1315 | Ammunition, 75mm through 125mm
1320 | Ammunition, over 125mm
1325 | Bombs
1330 | Grenades
1336 | Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components
1337 | Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Explosive Propulsion Units, Solid Fuel; and Components
1338 | Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Inert Propulsion Units, Solid Fuel; and Components
1340 | Rockets, Rocket Ammunition and Rocket Components
1345 | Land Mines
1346 | Remote Munitions
1351 | Underwater Mines and Components, Explosive
1352 | Underwater Mine Disposal Inert Devices
1353 | Underwater Mine Disposal Explosive Devices
1355 | Torpedos and Components, Inert
1356 | Torpedos and Components, Explosive
1360 | Depth Charges and Components, Inert
1361 | Depth Charges and Components, Explosive
1365 | Military Chemical Agents
1367 | Tactical Sets, Kits, and Outfits
1370 | Pyrotechnics
1375 | Demolition Materials
1376 | Bulk Explosives
1377 | Cartridge and Propellant Actuated Devices and Components
1385 | Surface Use Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tools and Equipment
1386 | Underwater Use Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Swimmer Weapons Systems Tools and Equipment
1390 | Fuzes and Primers
1395 | Miscellaneous Ammunition
1398 | Specialized Ammunition Handling and Servicing Equipment
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Results for FSG 13 | Ammunition and Explosives

Part Number NSN Part Description Mfr. Compare RFQ
383630PC2 1350-00-038-6804 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30018040 1350-00-038-6804 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD169497 1350-00-038-6807 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R248 1350-00-038-6807 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
496346 1350-00-038-6808 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30018110 1350-00-038-6808 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
489441 1350-00-038-6809 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30018120 1350-00-038-6809 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
383655PC2 1350-00-038-6812 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R240 1350-00-038-6812 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
1245921 1350-00-038-6813 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R242 1350-00-038-6813 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
383655PC1 1350-00-038-6814 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R244 1350-00-038-6814 Underwater Mi Instrument Cushion Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
416492 1350-00-038-6819 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R228 1350-00-038-6819 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
416489 1350-00-038-6820 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30027010 1350-00-038-6820 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
416490 1350-00-038-6821 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30027020 1350-00-038-6821 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
496238 1350-00-038-6823 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R237 1350-00-038-6823 Underwate Instrument Cushion Set Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
G30035000 1350-00-038-6830 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
893456 1350-00-038-6832 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G30036000 1350-00-038-6832 Cushion Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1362223 1350-00-038-6842 Underwater Min Pressure Detector Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R296 1350-00-038-6842 Underwater Min Pressure Detector Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
1153525 1350-00-038-6844 Cup Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1153528 1350-00-038-6845 Cup Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1186061 1350-00-038-6846 Cup Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1186062 1350-00-038-6847 Disc Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
362693 1350-00-038-6850 Plate Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
134271 1350-00-038-6852 Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
G34006200 1350-00-038-6852 Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
342969 1350-00-038-6860 Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
362639 1350-00-038-6865 Underwater Mi Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
362744 1350-00-038-6868 Underwater Mi Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R316 1350-00-038-6868 Underwater Mi Extender Mechanism Department of Defense Ammunition Quote
G34014200 1350-00-038-6869 Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
343296 1350-00-038-6871 Underwater Mi Extender Mechanism Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
1350-R317 1350-00-038-6871 Underwater Mi Extender Mechanism Department of Defense Ammunition Quote