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1360 | Depth Charges and Components, Inert
1305 | Ammunition, through 30mm
1310 | Ammunition, over 30mm up to 75mm
1315 | Ammunition, 75mm through 125mm
1320 | Ammunition, over 125mm
1325 | Bombs
1330 | Grenades
1336 | Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components
1337 | Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Explosive Propulsion Units, Solid Fuel; and Components
1338 | Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Inert Propulsion Units, Solid Fuel; and Components
1340 | Rockets, Rocket Ammunition and Rocket Components
1345 | Land Mines
1346 | Remote Munitions
1350 | Underwater Mine and Components, Inert
1351 | Underwater Mines and Components, Explosive
1352 | Underwater Mine Disposal Inert Devices
1353 | Underwater Mine Disposal Explosive Devices
1355 | Torpedos and Components, Inert
1356 | Torpedos and Components, Explosive
1361 | Depth Charges and Components, Explosive
1365 | Military Chemical Agents
1367 | Tactical Sets, Kits, and Outfits
1370 | Pyrotechnics
1375 | Demolition Materials
1376 | Bulk Explosives
1377 | Cartridge and Propellant Actuated Devices and Components
1385 | Surface Use Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tools and Equipment
1386 | Underwater Use Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Swimmer Weapons Systems Tools and Equipment
1390 | Fuzes and Primers
1395 | Miscellaneous Ammunition
1398 | Specialized Ammunition Handling and Servicing Equipment
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Results for FSG 13 | Ammunition and Explosives

Part Number NSN Part Description Mfr. Compare RFQ
LD276009ITEM8 1360-00-381-0823 Carrier Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
0S02064 1360-00-381-0824 Firing Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011ITEM4 1360-00-381-0824 Firing Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011ITEM7 1360-00-381-0825 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011ITEM8 1360-00-381-0826 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
0S02075 1360-00-381-0827 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011ITEM9 1360-00-381-0827 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011ITEM13 1360-00-381-0828 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
SK95697 1360-00-381-0829 Blank Off Plate Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
0S02049 1360-00-381-0832 Flange Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276009PC6 1360-00-388-6329 Lock And Tag Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276009-6 1360-00-388-6329 Lock And Tag Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276009ITEM7 1360-00-388-6330 Stop And Tag Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276009-7 1360-00-388-6330 Stop And Tag Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011PC1 1360-00-388-6331 Clamp Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011PC2 1360-00-388-6332 Holder Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011PC14 1360-00-388-6333 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
LD276011-14 1360-00-388-6333 Wrench Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204043PC5 1360-00-389-1495 Shipping Cover Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204050PC1 1360-00-389-1498 Depth Set Sleeve Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204052PC1 1360-00-389-1499 Inlet Valve Body Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204052PC2 1360-00-389-1500 Inlet Valve Stop Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204052PC3 1360-00-389-1501 Inlet Valve Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
204055PC4 1360-00-389-1504 Locking Slide Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
328204PC8 1360-00-389-1509 Dial Plate Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
328206PC5 1360-00-389-1511 Booster Spindle Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
416036 1360-00-389-1528 No Bracket Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
416163 1360-00-389-1529 Detonator Gun Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
416169 1360-00-389-1530 Detonator G Bracket Navair and Navsea Managed Quote
416227 1360-00-389-1532 Knob Fork Assembly Navair and Navsea Managed Quote