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5305-00-005-5917 Pan Head Screw steel material thread length 0.286-0.363 head height 0.133-0.15

5365-00-005-5825 Thread Plug length 0.85 steel material thread length 0.255-0.265

NSN 5305-00-005-5809 Machine Screw fastener length 0.449-0.479 head height 0.087-0.097

1730-00-005-5606 Aircraft Maintenance Sling pylon lifting rear fuselage

3120-00-005-5723 Sleeve Bushing length 0.313-0.329 steel material flange width 0.088-0.099

NSN 5995-00-005-5491 Lead sectional shape style cross round termination type lug terminal with mounting hole 1st end single conductor termination type unprocessed 2nd end single conductor terminal lug aperture size 0.116 inches 1st end single conductor

5845-00-005-5469 Detecting-ranging Set 1 capacitor and 1 chassis and 1 diode and 1 transformer

6625-00-005-5413 Test Tip specs length 0.438 diameter 0.625 plastic material

5930-00-005-3243 Rotary Switch switch specs length 10.969 height 4.75 width 4.75

5330-00-005-1092 Wiper Ring plastic material inside diameter 3.50 outside diameter 3.75

4730-00-005-4994 Hose Clamp hose specs width 0.5-0.56 steel material

NSN 4730-00-005-4908 Plug major diameter 1.125 minor diameter 0.938 steel material hole thread size 5/8-11unc nominal overall length 3

NSN 5905-00-005-4837 Film Fixed Resistor resistance tolerance in percent -1 to 1

6625-00-005-4568 Pilots Display Unit end item identification aircraft model av-8a

NSN 5905-00-005-4550 Resistor terminal length 1.5 ambient temp in deg celsius at full rated power 70 body diameter 0.098 body length 0.281 electrical resistance 22 ohms

5365-00-005-5486 Plate Spacer length 1.625 width 1.625 copper material

1680-00-349-5216 Windshield Control Unit windshield control unit nsn 1680003495216.

1560-00-005-4579 Hood Air Intake Fillet end item identification aircraft model av-81

5365-00-005-4571 Termination Ring end item identification aircraft model av-8a

5998-00-005-4497 Printed Wiring Board printed wiring board nsn 5998000054497.